What is Turbo Yeast – Pros & Cons for a newbie distiller

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We explain what is turbo yeast is best for.

Let’s understand what is turbo yeast. Turbo yeast is a special type of yeast strain that can make a high alcohol ABV% with a short fermentation time. This is sold with all the nutrients needed by the yeast. You must still add the sugar and water to the package.

On the sold packages they state that fermentation time is from 24 to 48 hours. There is also a range of turbo yeast that is sold for making rum, vodka, and whisky to mention. But is it really the best yeast? From my knowledge and background in alcohol manufacturing then a no.

What is turbo yeast Benefits?

Turbo yeast is a strain of yeast that can tolerate high levels of alcohol up to 20%. Normal yeast strains tolerate alcohol levels up to 14%. The packet comes with all the ingredients required by the yeast used to do this.

How to use turbo yeast?

All strains of yeast go dormant or die at certain temperatures the same applies to the turbo yeast range. The temperature range is from 19 to 27°C (66.2 to 80.6°F). All the turbo yeast packets come with instructions on how much water, and sugar temperature ranges to control.

Disadvantages of turbo yeast

  • Much more expensive than normal yeast plus nutrients. A price comparison of the yeast available confirms this.
  • Should you pick up a fermentation problem where do you start to fault find as the packet is pre-packed.
  • Most of the manufacturers do not stipulate on the packet what the composition of the packet is? Essentially you don’t know what is turbo yeast made of.
  • They add charcoal into the recipe, this is to reduce harmful substances in the recipe
  • The fermentation has a chemical-type smell to it and a different taste to it? I noticed that in batches made. 
  • You should run it through an activated carbon filter to remove the smell and taste, highly suggested. 

Advantages of turbo yeast

  • High fermentation rate of between 2 to 4 days
  • Produces a higher alcohol amount up to 20% ABV

Equipment needed for turbo yeast

  • You use the same moonshine equipment for fermentation used with normal yeast strains.
  • All the information is on the packet of Turbo yeast on how to make it.

How to add the turbo yeast for fermentation

  • Simpler than using normal yeast and nutrients as it comes in one packet with everything in it to make alcohol. But note you don’t know what is in the turbo yeast.
  • Follow the instructions on the pack. As it will be incorrect for me to explain about each product as they will do it best. 

Factors to consider when using turbo yeast

  • Cost factor to make alcohol using the types of turbo ranges.
  • If you want to experiment with alcohol you can’t.
  • Follow the instructions carefully
  • Go to the Home Distillers and decide what is best for you.

Temperature control on turbo yeast

  • The only way any ferment can be controlled is by installing a temperature control probe
  • The temperature range for Turbo yeast is 19 to 27°C (66.2 to 80.6°F) in solution

pH Control on a sugar wash using turbo yeast

  • See what the manufacturer of the Turbo yeast suggests. Normally pH is between 4 and 4.5

 Adding turbo yeast to a sugar wash

  • Simply open the packet and slowly pour and mix it into the sugar wash solution. Prior to that, you would have followed the instructions of pH levels and gravity (OG) instructions.
  • Follow all the instructions on the packet about pH, temperature etc.
  • Do not put the yeast mixture into a cup of water to create a yeast starter. You will kill the yeast due to the amount of nutrients in it.

Nutrients to be added to a turbo yeast package

  • Do not add any nutrients as it has been added into the recipe inside the packet

Types of turbo yeast for alcohol fermentation 

Is turbo yeast suggested for a new distiller into the alcohol sugar wash path?

This is a personal choice up to the individual. This involves costing etc. It is a shortcut to making alcohol. Not having to understand the basics. All the fermenting instructions are on the packet on how to which is nice.

I would suggest making alcohol from both strains of yeast. Start first with turbo yeast then onto distiller yeast and bakers yeast. Once you have experienced what is turbo yeast then decide which one you prefer. Just remember the smell & taste from turbo yeast can be strange or off… 

Last Updated on August 13, 2023 by The Brew Mechanic

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With 35 years of knowledge of being a chemical engineer in alcohol manufacturing plants, my mission is to teach the next generation of home distilling alcohol brewers at a supernatural speed.

My reviews are based on real-life experiences with reflux stills, sugar wash, troubleshooting and mystical chemical reactions.

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