Basics for diluting alcohol Calculation for DIY home distilling spirits

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Our short and simple method of diluting alcohol for DIY home distilling is the perfect guide to a great alcohol dilution for your pure ABV 90% spirits. The formula below is to factor in alcohol content with the right amount of water to get the best percentage.
Diluting alcohol into a volume of 6 Liters with Alcohol ABV of 90% to alcohol ABV of 40%.
The formula is as follows, just a simple calculation
Dilute 6 Liters of alcohol ABV @ 90% to 40%
Total volume of alcohol expected | = (Start alcohol % / desired alcohol %) X start volume |
= (90% / 40%) X 6L | |
= 13.50L of alcohol at 40% | |
How much water should be added | = 13.5L total vol – 6L initial volume |
Amount water added to 6L | = 7.5L |
Great tip for dilution for your spirit
To play it safe add 7 litres of water to the start volume, mix then check the alcohol strength using an alcoholmeter and test tube. Once satisfied add the balance of water to bring it down to the 40% mark.
We hope you now understand diluting alcohol isn’t as complex as those other home distilling internet gurus try to make it out to be. With this method, you can roughly calculate your ABV alcohol percentage every time. From a home distiller to another we hope you can make your distilling journey easy and fun!
Download our Diluting alcohol formula for free!
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Last Updated on Sept 17, 2024 by The Brew Mechanic
Disclosure: I may receive affiliate compensation for some of the links below at no cost to you if you decide to purchase a product or service. You can read our affiliate disclosure in our privacy policy. The information provided is for entertainment only.

With 35 years of knowledge of being a chemical engineer in alcohol manufacturing plants, my mission is to teach the next generation of home distilling alcohol brewers at a supernatural speed.
My reviews are based on real-life experiences with reflux stills, sugar wash, troubleshooting and mystical chemical reactions.
Download our Diluting alcohol formula here
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